Victory Music and Dance Company

Our Mission

Victory Music & Dance Company Inc.,
is a non-profit 501c3 organization that provides mentorship, leadership, academic enrichment and performing arts instruction to youth of all ages in the underserved communities of Brooklyn.

The Victory Music & Dance Company’s mission is to bridge the arts divide that currently exists in these communities and offer access to the arts for all through our free high-quality structured arts education and leadership programming. Participants have the opportunities to be enrolled into our in-school and afterschool enrichment programs, summer camps, the pre-professional performing arts academy or our community marching band. These programs foster positive youth development and community engagement through the arts.

The core values of our organization are arts education, leadership, mentorship and academic enrichment. Youth are exposed to wrap-around services through key partnerships, culturally relevant & innovative S.T.E.A.M offerings and career and entrepreneurship build-ins. This model has been proven to produce creative engaged youth who pursue higher education, which will increase employability and promote community stability.

The core values of our organization are arts education, leadership, mentorship and academic enrichment. Youth are exposed to wrap-around services through key partnerships, culturally relevant & innovative S.T.E.A.M offerings and career and entrepreneurship build-ins. This model has been proven to produce creative engaged youth who pursue higher education, which will increase employability and promote community stability.

Victory Music & Dance Company has a proven track record of providing youth with a pathway to success. As a result of our tutelage participants are accepted into specialized gifted programs such as, the prep for prep, breakthrough and a better chance. Participants have also been prepared for auditions and accepted into arts based programs and schools such as, Brooklyn High School of the Arts, LaGuardia High School, Susan McKinney High School, Brooklyn Ballet, Ballet Tech, Emia Intensive Dance Program, Move NYC and Hunter College, Penn State and Morgan State University to name a few.

Victory Music & Dance Company has structured professional arts education and leadership programs in the Brownsville, East New York, Canarsie, Crown Heights and the Bedford Stuyvesant communities of Brooklyn.